Monday, September 30, 2013

College Life

September 30, 2013

Over the weekend my roommates and I went to the anime store. Surprisingly, I bought nothing! We also went to an Asian market. I miss China Town!!! Saturday was fun and relaxing, but once Sunday hit it was all work no play. I was working in the animation labs from 2PM-11:20PM!!! I lost track of time again hahaha. The next thing I knew it was pitch black outside when I was leaving the animation labs. Since we don't have windows in the labs we loose track of time easily. Oh, my roommate Amy was sent on a wild goose chase for 3 weeks all thanks to Wikipedia! Let this be a lesson young one's, DO NOT RELY ON WIKI!!!!!!! My roommate Nick is torturing me! She enjoys freaking me out in more ways than I even thought possible! I nearly forgot about the Moon Festival too! Luckily I somehow remembered and my mom was able to get me some moon cakes before they were all gone. As my roommates say "I'm so Asian!" hahahaha XD. 

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