Monday, September 30, 2013

College Life

September 30, 2013

Over the weekend my roommates and I went to the anime store. Surprisingly, I bought nothing! We also went to an Asian market. I miss China Town!!! Saturday was fun and relaxing, but once Sunday hit it was all work no play. I was working in the animation labs from 2PM-11:20PM!!! I lost track of time again hahaha. The next thing I knew it was pitch black outside when I was leaving the animation labs. Since we don't have windows in the labs we loose track of time easily. Oh, my roommate Amy was sent on a wild goose chase for 3 weeks all thanks to Wikipedia! Let this be a lesson young one's, DO NOT RELY ON WIKI!!!!!!! My roommate Nick is torturing me! She enjoys freaking me out in more ways than I even thought possible! I nearly forgot about the Moon Festival too! Luckily I somehow remembered and my mom was able to get me some moon cakes before they were all gone. As my roommates say "I'm so Asian!" hahahaha XD. 


I've had my fun with this please let it ennnddd waaawaaaaaawaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Mortal Instruments

I just saw the movie The Mortal Instruments. I loved it!!!! Yes, it was predictable, but the animation and computer graphics were impressive. My roommate and I aught over the hot Asian, Magnus Bane. I called dibs and said that I deserve him cause we both are Chinese hahahaha. In the end we made a deal, she gets the blonde boy, Jace and I get Asian boy, Magnus. I will definitely be going to see the sequel!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


These are my 3 storyboards for Concept

Biodiversity Banner

Studio Ghibli

A combination of some of the beloved Hayao Miyazaki films


               These are some old Tiger art that I did. The first one is using loose ink. The white tiger was made using my bamboo tablet. That was when I was first getting used to it hahaha. 

Crocodile and Alligator research

      I have developed a fascination with Crocodiles and Alligators!!! 

Horse Sketch

I couldn't decide which one I liked better.

Eevee Evolutions

This is all of the eevee evolutions. I made this for my friend who loves eevee. XD

Painted Dog Character

This is my character for my quadricep run cycle. Sen is a Painted Dog/African Wild Dog.

Quadricep rough draft #1

My first attempt of a Quadricep walk of a Doberman Pinscher