Friday, December 6, 2013

Concept & Development Final: Beloved

I plan on perfecting this during winter break. So be excited for the new improved version to come. But for now here is the final.

Computer Animation Final: Simple Poly JWT

Simple Poly: Jump Walk Turn

I did sooo many versions in order to get to my ending result.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Beloved Current Progress

This is my Final for Concept & Development. I finally came up with the title for my animatic. I am quite proud of the progress so far, and this isn't even the final version hahahaha XD. I'm so excited for how my story  will develop and improve!
                 (Comments are ENCOURAGED!!)

Step 1: Develop a story

Step 1 Part 2: Come up with an image that helps to tell the story using only one image

Step 2: Create characters

Step 2 Part 2: Develop the characters to improve the design

Step 3: Create environments

                                          Exterior                                               Interior

Step 3 Part 2: Final Design of Environments

               Environment #1: Interior of Shrine


             Environment #2: Misty Mountain (location of shrine, exterior)

                         Blueprint: Entire island

Step 4: Create a Beat sheet (quick thumbnails, spend no more then 2 min per thumbnail)

Step 5: First pass on Animatic (no tone, just line work)

Step 6: Second Pass on Animatic (adding tone, and sound)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Poly Jump

Character Designs: The character chosen was my little Red Panda

Turn around: needed to model the character 

Back view

Front View

Side View


Final Revised

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Environments for my Animatic

Thumbnails of Exterior                                                  

 Final Exterior Setting

Map of the setting

 Thumbnails of Shrine                            

Final Interior of Shrine

Process of Lip sync 2D Animation

Keying the pose

Making movements smooth

Working on getting the acting smooth

Still working on acting

This is getting annoying

Before critique

After critique

Finally!!!! I can breathe again 

Process of making a Character

First version:

Final Version:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to Train Your Dragon 2

OMG I am sooo frickn' excited for this!!!! I can't wait till June!!!!!! Hiccup got hot!!!! Toothless is still soooooooo cute! XD

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Happy Drunk Birthday

This is my first draft for the Raven project for Concept. It took me 12 hours to complete but in the end I'm pretty pleased with the result. 

Please comment on it!!

Primitive Theatre Blows up!

The journey was long and exhausting. However, I still had fun. I love animation!!!!! I am glad to be done with this project though hahahaha XD 

Please comment on what you think of my animation please! 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Rats Playing Billiards

Stage 1: Realistic Photo Animatic/Staging

Stage 2: Rat Animatic

Stage3: Revised version/Final

Monday, October 14, 2013

My Process of my TA Chinese New Years

Step 1
    Coming up with the story

Step 2
        Designing the character

Step 3
           Drawing out the keys
(all the paper that you see is not even half of the paper used in this project)

Step 4
          Scanning the keys in and seeing how is plays

Step 5
          Working on the timing of the keys so the story reads clearly

Step 6
         Working my way through the animation slowly to make it read clear for the final draft. 

Step 7
          And after experimenting with timing many times........The final is now complete!!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

College Life

I just discovered the main goal of the Computer Animation department. To slowly torture and crush our souls by taking away our sanity, strength, and sleep!'s working!!!!!! They won't stop till they see us dead on the floor of the labs!!!!They trick us in the beginning acting all nice. They boost our self esteem and then we try something new........they send us out crying in the rain!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA.......(why am I laughing?!.....I lost my sanity already!)

College Life

This link defines Ringling Computer Animation majors perfectly!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Second Pass CA

This is the second pass on my Computer Animation PT.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

PT First Pass

This is my first pass for my computer animation class. It is VERY rough.

Friday, October 4, 2013

College Life


I just pulled an all nighter for the very first time..............I feel like..........well the polite way to say it, terrible, I feel terrible!!!! I was working on my Computer animation first pass of my characters.

Monday, September 30, 2013

College Life

September 30, 2013

Over the weekend my roommates and I went to the anime store. Surprisingly, I bought nothing! We also went to an Asian market. I miss China Town!!! Saturday was fun and relaxing, but once Sunday hit it was all work no play. I was working in the animation labs from 2PM-11:20PM!!! I lost track of time again hahaha. The next thing I knew it was pitch black outside when I was leaving the animation labs. Since we don't have windows in the labs we loose track of time easily. Oh, my roommate Amy was sent on a wild goose chase for 3 weeks all thanks to Wikipedia! Let this be a lesson young one's, DO NOT RELY ON WIKI!!!!!!! My roommate Nick is torturing me! She enjoys freaking me out in more ways than I even thought possible! I nearly forgot about the Moon Festival too! Luckily I somehow remembered and my mom was able to get me some moon cakes before they were all gone. As my roommates say "I'm so Asian!" hahahaha XD. 


I've had my fun with this please let it ennnddd waaawaaaaaawaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Mortal Instruments

I just saw the movie The Mortal Instruments. I loved it!!!! Yes, it was predictable, but the animation and computer graphics were impressive. My roommate and I aught over the hot Asian, Magnus Bane. I called dibs and said that I deserve him cause we both are Chinese hahahaha. In the end we made a deal, she gets the blonde boy, Jace and I get Asian boy, Magnus. I will definitely be going to see the sequel!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


These are my 3 storyboards for Concept

Biodiversity Banner

Studio Ghibli

A combination of some of the beloved Hayao Miyazaki films


               These are some old Tiger art that I did. The first one is using loose ink. The white tiger was made using my bamboo tablet. That was when I was first getting used to it hahaha. 

Crocodile and Alligator research

      I have developed a fascination with Crocodiles and Alligators!!!